Many clients heroically overcome the past.
Several have shared their gratitude with me, which only makes me love my job even more.
Due to the sensitive nature of survivorship all names have been altered in the testimonials below to preserve the anonymity of my clients. I hope their happy words inspire you to move forward on your own healing journey.

Thank you for a wonderful session. You are a gifted healer and I feel so blessed that our paths crossed. You gave me exactly what I needed. Thank you so much.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without your help and support. I’m sure my future spouse will be very pleased with all our work.

I would not be where I am today if not for you and your advice. You had faith in me and that helped me have faith in myself. You have been inspirational to me.
Malinda Hayes, Partner, Makkarian & Hayes Law Firm
Adrianne Lugo, Author and Chronic Pain Coach
Dr. Orlando Cedeno, Owner, Abacoa Podiatry
Paula Holland, Transformational Coach
Debbie Hudzik, President, Lotus Travel Company

A licensed clinical social worker and Deputy Commission of Behavioral and Community Health shares her healing story.
A London client shares the success of her transatlantic experience and the outcomes she achieved.
The Executive Director of a wellness institute in Palm Beach describes her experience of change and transformation.
Listen to this mom tell the story of how her daughter was able to go off medication for depression and anxiety.
A woman whose childhood abuse caused her to lose her voice and sense of self shares what's happened now.
A young woman who had struggled with old teenage trauma expresses her gratitude at the end of her final session.

I have worked diligently since 2016 to untangle the trauma and its aftereffect on my life but just could not find all my power again and remained frustrated and confused. Working with you through hypnosis -- and creating the healing intention -- was the focus I needed to bring more knowledge and understanding to the process to change the unwanted, unneeded and unserving behavior. In three sessions, your approach to healing trauma is working. I have gained clarity and so much more control than I ever thought possible. Trauma no longer takes my power.
You were very instrumental in helping me get to where I am.... Thank you for the time you invest in my life and my healing journey.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done and do! I always know you are there cheering me on and available if I need to talk through something. Thank you! I have seen more change this year than ever before.
Cannot thank you enough for your compassionate support and quick follow through... From the bottom of my heart I am endlessly grateful to you for guiding me toward setting myself free from the trauma plus your support on saying a healed self already exists.
I want to thank you, Michele, for this great platform that you have created.
You saved me from the abyss and greatly contributed to my understanding of my condition. I'm on the hard road, slow but sure recovery is possible by your insight and inspiring strength. Thank you! Love you!
You were my saviour. I remember the dreadful time of frantically scrolling thru the Internet for solutions. Then I saw you and thought, "Here is someone who has recovered, so that means I can too!" You probably saved my life. I had so many dark and difficult nights. I did 8 months of intensive trauma therapy but in truth your story as a peer was the most helpful part of my recovery journey. That's why I felt strongly I needed in gratitude to add my voice to the existing narrative.
I haven't had anybody who understands what I'm experiencing to be able to help me understand. It’s been very confusing as I didn't know what was happening or how to stop it. Thank you for taking the time and for caring to help others. You helped me better understand what has been happening to me recently. Have a good Thanksgiving and know that you helped me to have a better one.
I still hope one day to come see you in Florida! I’ll be sure to keep in touch with you. Thank you for investing in my life.
I have a thankfulness that words cannot express for the gift of a new life that is evolving.
It’s so hard to believe it is real!!
I just have to reach out and tell you that your work is literally changing my life. I simply can’t find the proper words to express both my enormous gratitude to you and your help and how much you are helping me… I have searched... and found nothing remotely as healing. You provide me with an absolutely essential healing tool… I love how you are dedicated to recovery and healing as opposed to coping. I love how you encourage me to thrive not just survive. I love how you remind me that its hard work — and that healing is not a straight line but a jagged line going upwards steadily.
When Michele started to get entangled with me it became part of the process of healing which I encouraged.
She’s been a bit like the Zen Master of PTSD who kinda helps me to go places I don’t want to go.
Michele! You warrior you! I am uncovering more and more valuable resources in myself to cultivate a life..the life…I am supposed to live. Thank you. You truly have a remarkable healing gift. You’ve been on this journey with me a loooong time….you helped me salvage what little was left….. There are no words to express.
I wanted you to see this. I'm in South Carolina on business. My company has paid for the Visa so that I can come visit them for two weeks…. I'm with a colleague who knows the truth. He's here because of MY work. I'm as geeky as I've ever been. Not the same geek but this one gets trips around the world. You helped to make this happen.
Oh My God!!!! I just want to let you know that you have a gift (you probably already know this). Everything I hear you say, EVERYTHING, hits home in some sort of way. It may be something I don't realize or something I feel alone with. But it feels good not to be all alone even though I am choosing to be by myself.
I am grateful wayyyyy beyond words.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for *being* in this world and sharing *who you are* with me!!!
I don't know where to begin with the help you have given me.
I literally was in a deep hole and couldn't climb out. Through your help I realized there were other options and I had been in a bad space since the death of my brother.
Wow! I am truly blessed to have met you. I am grateful and love you forever for your help and kindness.
Michele, I just had to share: two people have commented on how very much more like myself I am now. One was completely independent of the other. I can't remember their exact words but the gist was how very "Holly" I am tonight. They've never made comments anything like that before!
I never doubted it but now I KNOW your are a freakin' shamanic GODDESS!
I really can't say enough about your research and analysis. I have been dealing with an old and very serious trauma for more than four decades. I now see that all the books and all the therapy just dealt with symptoms. Miraculously, you have managed to explain causes in a way that I have never seen before. For the first time in my adult life, I have hope that I can permanently put this behind me. I think God put you on earth for that purpose, has been consecrated to the enormous benefit of many.
What I am about to say may possibly shock you. Within one 90-minute session with Michele my nightmares were gone. Within 4 sessions the flashbacks had disappeared. I was sleeping like I had never slept in my life and felt like a million bucks. I understand that this may sound farfetched. If you told me this months ago I probably wouldn’t have believed it myself. For this reason I insisted on writing a testimonial. And so, I say this from the bottom of my heart: If you are out there suffering, searching for help – or maybe you have abandoned the idea, as had I – consider working with Michele. She has truly given me my life back and for that I am forever grateful.
Michele, I have gotten 12 hours sleep for days now and I just want more. I can’t tell you how much better feel…
I feel like the first time in my life that there is a tomorrow and it will get better, too…
I am seeing things very clearly for the first time in a long time.
You know, Michele, you are right: some things have changed and I didn’t even notice. The pain hurt and despair of losing my sister is gone. I don’t think about it every minute of every day. Matter of fact, I bet I only think of her once every two weeks and when I do the pain and hurt is not there. I want to be like that with EVERYTHING. I never thought I would be there and here I am, WOW.. I am amazed at that. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Thank you so much for the … session today. I really needed it. I left infused with a sense of clarity I have been blurry on until now.
I appreciate how your objectivity and insight always sends me a little further into the recesses of my mind and propels me a little further down the path I need to be on.
I think what you did for me was several things: You started me thinking that self healing was possible. You have provided a variety of personal and professional information to help authenticate that. You have shown me that I don’t have to feel alone. Your input provides me with a way to do some research which helps me adjust my old way of thinking. It's nothing but positive from here on out. My greatest discovery was when I hit a downer and was able to adjust my way of thinking and regain the up feeling I had prior….. I felt Empowered.